Explain entrepreneur, pengusaha sukses

In a discussion of how the business can happen , there is one resource that gives an interesting answer . According to him , there are businesses that occurred because of the lazy , the presence of the fear , and perhaps also because there are stupid people .

After receiving the explanation, it seems reasonable and right . Here are some stories of business because people are lazy , fearful , and ignorant .

A friend bought a used car , truck shape and pick- ups , the number two units . This friend is a director of a digital business . Just a bit strange when he bought the car cheap . When asked why , he replied for business . What kind of business ? The shuttle groceries , said Miske R , the simple name of a friend .

Because it begs the question , then I was digging Miske . Told that the work done is pick the family monthly groceries . Of goods FMCG ( fast moving consumer goods ) to home furnishings ( home appliance ) . From the price of thousands to millions of dollars per unit . Consumers or customers just mention the catalog number , then the number of how , within a day or two days , the goods will be delivered all his needs at home .

Because antarjemput groceries , it does not need a car or a fancy enough car pick-up box former , should not the new unit . The fares are not per item but per volume conduction . Not having to have a nice office , but more needs to be good barn . Due to the low operating costs , the profits were interesting .

Customers are there hundreds of families . The average stay in a luxury home complex . They had not had time shopping at the mall again . In addition to people who are already busy shopping lazy , they are also of the artist or public figure that out and shopping malls to feel uncomfortable . Understandably , they need privacy .

It could be concluded , that the customers are the ones who have been lazy for your own shopping . In addition to having no time of course . It may also be embarrassed when I have shopping alone. Moreover, if the young dates , as we know full mall once , sometimes make lazy shopping mall due to the long queue and pay him to make complicated .

One day , we can see someone who looks smart at all . He is so much knowledge . Great insights . And , almost generalist . Because that attracted the attention that he is not really much reading .

Investigate a investigate , the person opens a secret , that he subscribed summaries book ( book summary ) . Apparently, there are those companies that it works even read many books , different disciplines , and then summed , then the customer just choose whichever suits summaries peminatannya .

Similar to the case of delivery of groceries , from here also can be concluded , that there are also people who are lazy to read a thick book . But still want to get the information contained therein . So , people who are good at reading opportunities , provide a unique solution , ie, make a summary of the interesting and fitting . Thanks summarized , then the customer would have a lot of knowledge . Not to forget the smart people another , and Looks like people are smarter than mediocre .

In addition to business opportunities by utilizing the idea of ​​lazy people , there are also businesses that occur because of the fear . Maybe not all of them unique , but there are also common . For example, a communications consultant ( PR ) and legal counsel ( law firm ) .

As we know that the people who are in legal problems , certainly in a state of fear . Because they suddenly pushed, pressed , accused of , even suspect . While they mostly do not understand the legal issues .

Then came the legal advisers , people who understand the law , will give advice on how to act , behave , and commenting on events experienced by clients ( people who are afraid ) . Thus , then little by little it will be an issue that can be helped . Until the end of fear is reduced when the court proceedings .

It is also how they should behave around people . Nowadays , people are afraid not just need legal counsel , also need a communications advisor . How they must speak in public , even to make opinions in the media so that the problem can be helped . Especially in the case of opinion shootout , to win opinion by way of searching for plausible logic could distort public opinion on . PR consultants who can make sophisticated scary situation to be raised confident clients .

Maybe not just being lazy and afraid that could generate business ideas . There are still other causes . What is certain is the business idea to the rich that are indisputable. Please explore business ideas and opportunities are unique .

If the business opportunity because of the stupid people , is there ? Of course there is . But I could not bear that among the readers here into customers . Therefore , it can be considered to have alleged . Because I am sure that the readers here are smart , it does not need to be discussed about the business opportunities for fools . To be sure , the smart and creative spirit high life and not easy to believe the words of a motivator

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