How the Right Skin Exfoliation

So many treatment options that can be done to have a perfect and healthy skin . Ranging from facials , masks , chemical peels , up to Exfoliating or flaking . Exfoliation becomes one of maintenance procedures that are capable of producing smooth skin texture , supple and clean .
Some women , tend to interpret facial exfoliation process only enough taken through scrubbing . In fact , scrubbing just lift stubborn dirt stuck to the skin and pores as well as cleaning products or oils excess sebum on the skin .
Dead skin cells can only be removed through exfoliation , which stimulates collagen production beneficial in facial skin and give a fresh look , as well as revitalize the upper surface of the skin .
Proper exfoliation technique will provide maximum results . In contrast , exfoliation technique that will mistakenly risk for skin irritation and itching reddened . Here , tips on how to do a proper facial exfoliation .
Type of exfoliation product
Distinguish between the types of exfoliating products that you use . There are various types of chemical content and form appropriate to its function . First , chemical-based products transform and exfoliation removes dead skin and makes it easy to clean . These products usually contain Alpha Hydroxy Acid ( AHA ) and Beta Hydroxy are generally packaged in the form of a cream .
Another option , is scrubbing containing salt and sugar , the effect can be maximized with massage techniques and a sweep of your hand .

Differentiating the right kind of peeling products
First identify your skin type , if you have sensitive skin or have acne problems , the best exfoliating products that you need is a diversified chemical lotion or gel form . Because , using a physical exfoliator made ​​will only exacerbate skin conditions or even damage it . Conversely , if you have normal skin , physical exfoliators option will soften and give effect chewy .
Frequency appropriate to repeat this treatment procedure is also very important . Do not do it too often to avoid the consequences of unwanted skin . For sensitive skin , exfoliating doing quite a period once a month . For normal skin , peeling process can be done every three times a week every night . If no irritation is felt , stop to do it , and do bit by bit or check directly to the doctor .
Maintain and choose the tools that you use for this procedure is very important . Do not let bacteria grow and thrive in these tools. Clean periodically with hot water fed baby shampoo carefully every part, and dry .

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